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Scoring of University Policies in the EU Member States


At the initiative of European Universities' Rectors and former Education Ministers from the member countries of the European Union, has been organized the Scoring of University Policies in the EU Member States.

Given that performance indicators have become an important tool for assessing universities, but also a supportive element in shaping policies, this initiative is of particular importance in the area of the European Union. Note that this is the first time worldwide that it is trying to form indicators for this issue.

This initiative involves independent institutions from all member states of the European Union. The Greek representative involved in this initiative is the Institute of Statistical Research, Analysis and Documentation, upon a request of the organizer of the initiative Professor Jo Ritzen, President of Maastricht University, the Netherlands.

Policy Report, December 2012


Empowering’ university policies improve our economies, states the recent report of Empower European Universities called "The State of University Policy for progress in Europe". This report assesses the contribution of higher education policies to higher education performance and economic innovation. The main findings are summarized in a policy report, the technical report explains the data we have used and method, the country reports provide a snapshot of each one of the 32 countries.

For details, please visit the project's official webpage

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